
青春期妇科 is the specialized area of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, 治疗, and management of conditions that affect young girls’ reproductive organs, from infancy through adolescence and into adulthood. Our specialized care provides evaluation, 治疗, and support to address the unique issues that affect the development and anatomy of reproductive organs, 比如子宫, 卵巢, 输卵管, 或子宫颈, of the growing girls and young women, and take great care to manage their conditions in a sensitive manner.

Gynecology Conditions We Treat:

We have the expertise to treat a full spectrum of conditions and 受伤 that can affect the girls’ reproductive organs, from birth through their adolescence, 还有他们的整个生活. Some of the issues we treat include:

  • Congenital or acquired genital anomalies
  • Anomalies of the reproductive organs
  • Cysts, polyps, masses, or lesions of the reproductive organs
  • Developmental abnormalities of the reproductive organs (such as early or delayed puberty or sexual development)
  • 子宫内膜异位
  • Menstrual problems, painful periods, and heavy bleeding
  • 盆腔痛
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • 阴道分泌物
  • 阴道创伤或损伤
  • Yeast infections, vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina), and other infections

Our Adolescent Gynecology 服务:

Our specialists at 迪拜美国医院 provide comprehensive care focused on the 治疗 of girls of all ages and have expertise in managing patients who struggle with reproductive health. Our spectrum of services include:

  • Evaluation and 治疗 for the above-listed conditions
  • Minimally invasive surgical procedures to treat conditions such as ovarian cysts and endometriosis
  • Reconstructive surgery for developmental anomalies of reproductive organs

Why Choose Us For Pediatric Gynecological Care?

We know that adolescents have unique conditions and needs. That’s why gynecology specialists at 迪拜美国医院 specialize in caring for teens or young girls. Our adolescent gynecologists have knowledge and expertise in identifying and treating conditions that can emerge in childhood, from congenital anomalies (since birth conditions) to acquired conditions (after birth such as infections, 受伤, 月经失调, 及以后). We follow a patient-centric approach and treat our patients with compassion in the most sensitive manner. In cases when a child requires additional 治疗, we even engage specialists from other departments to address the child’s health holistically.


We’re passionate about helping our patients, providing 治疗 and care for their needs and conditions. If you or your loved ones have reproductive health concerns, book an appointment with the 青春期妇科 at 迪拜美国医院 via our online secure form, and seek the answers for all the issues of reproductive organs.