Primary Care Clinic

迪拜美国医院’s Primary Health Care Dubai Clinic is located in American hospital main campus. The Primary Care clinic was established to provide high quality, American-standard healthcare services to families and individuals in Dubai. Our Primary Care Clinic provides excellent general medical care, 提供多种临床服务, 比如身体检查, 管理免疫, family medicine Dubai, 还有健康检查和旅行建议.

The Primary Care Clinic’s physicians are some of the best in the country and practice with the utmost care, compassion and quality. 知识渊博,是各自领域的专家, our physicians are American Board-Certified or Western equivalent and are experienced in treating adolescence and all adults for a range of common, 急慢性疾病. They go to every length to determine an accurate diagnosis and offer an appropriate, 个性化治疗方案. Supporting the doctors are the Primary Care Clinic’s compassionate and highly skilled nurses. The clinic strives to provide Dubai’s population with good health, encouraging regular check-ups and scheduled immunizations to achieve consistent physical and mental well-being.

The Primary Care Clinic has a calm and soothing environment, with friendly receptionists always willing to help you. Conveniently located in main campus with access to all other specialties, thus eliminating a prolonged wait for medical care. Primary Care Clinic is open from 8AM till 8PM, from Saturday to Thursday. You may call beforehand to make an appointment; however, walk-ins are welcome as well. Find a family medicine doctor Dubai and get the best treatment for your family.

  1. General practice – adult and pediatric, male and female
  2. 急慢性疾病
  3. Annual check-ups
  4. Well-woman check-ups
  5. 学校健康检查
  6. Preventive medicine
  7. Insurance medicals
  8. Immunizations
  9. Travel advice
  10. 入职前体检

Our Primary Care Clinics embrace a compassionate, holistic and quality approach to medicine. Our team of leading physicians seeks to develop close relationships with their patients to support consistent, in-depth understanding of their changing health requirements. With an extensive knowledge of your medical history and lifestyle, 结合定期体检, our doctors can determine the best comprehensive, 个性化治疗方案 to keep the whole family in the best health possible.

Patients at AHD Primary Care Clinics have easy and convenient access to a number of coordinated health services – including high quality preventive care and the management of chronic illnesses – all in one place

迪拜美国医院’s Primary Care Clinics offer a wide variety of services, 包括预防医学, healthcare packages and insurance medical examinations. 我们的专家og体育平台团队, nurses and support staff will make certain that your health needs are met promptly, 专业和最温暖的关怀. 他们的一些临床服务包括:

General Practice

Our excellent primary care physicians are skilled at attending to all adults and children, 诊断和治疗多种常见疾病, acute and chronic medical illnesses and conditions. They aim to restore a patient’s health without having to refer them to a specialist, 缩短他们的治疗和恢复时间. The comprehensive knowledge and skill of our physicians usually means that they are able to successfully manage and treat issues within the clinic.

Annual Check-Ups

Our doctors recommend at least annual visits to the Clinic to remain in optimum health. 我们的重点是确保持续良好的健康, 无论是身体上还是精神上, with regular examinations enabling doctors to catch any changes in good time.

School Health Check-Ups

In an environment where children are in close proximity to one another, 疾病和病毒很容易传播, which is why school health check-ups are so important. AHD Primary Care Clinics encourage parents to bring their children for a medical examination at least once a year, 以确保他们保持良好的健康. This is important for a strong immune system in their quickly developing bodies. We also provide vaccinations and immunization boosters to protect children from diseases and other unwanted conditions.

Travel Advice

在海外旅行时, it is important to ensure that you are up to date with all your vaccinations. Our doctors may also recommend a booster jab to guarantee resistance from certain illnesses. Depending where you are travelling, certain diseases are more prevalent in some areas of the world. Our knowledgeable team keeps themselves informed of any medical updates and can recommend specific precautions, especially for more remote or differently developed locations.


符合阿联酋法律, all new employees must undergo a physical exam in order to work and receive a visa. The Primary Care Clinic conveniently provides all these services, 包括强制验血和x光检查.



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