
Medical Imaging is a diagnostic field within medicine that leads to the creation of visual representation and scans of the inside of the body. 常用于临床分析和诊断, it allows doctors and physicians to assess the functions of internal organs and tissues and to find signs of disorder or damage.

医学成像在其保护伞下拥有许多技术. This encompasses the following modalities : X-Ray,CT,MRI,US,核医学(including SPECT/CT) & PET CT.

迪拜美国医院's Medical Imaging department possesses the most advanced machinery and state of the art equipment.

这是一种能够获得人体内部独特信息的技术, 通常不能用其他医学成像工具识别, nuclear medicine is a type of imaging that injects limited bursts of radioactive materials, 被称为放射性示踪剂, 进入病人的血液. 放射性示踪剂也可以吸入或吞咽, 这取决于病人的医疗状况和病史. The radiotracers then roam within the area under examination and feed energy in the form of gamma rays into a special camera and computer, 形成身体内部的图像和扫描.

One of the many benefits of nuclear medicine is that it enables physicians to detect and identify diseases and disorders at their earliest stages. 通过这种方式,它为og体育平台提供了更好的完全康复的机会.

形状像一个小隧道,宽度足以容纳一个成年人的身体, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a physical examination that utilizes a magnetic field and radio wave energy to form pictures of organs and physiology beneath the human skin and bones.

有时比其他成像过程更具决定性, 比如超声波或CT扫描, 核磁共振成像提供了关于人体解剖结构形成的各种信息, often allowing physicians to identify anomalies and irregularities that cannot be assessed with other machinery.

The MRI test requires the human body to be placed inside a wide tube or tunnel for the procedure. 该系统将数字图像和扫描保存在AHD数据库中,以便进行更仔细的检查. 扫描结果也可以在需要时打印出来.

形状像一个小隧道,宽度足以容纳一个成年人的身体, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a physical examination that utilizes a magnetic field and radio wave energy to form pictures of organs and physiology beneath the human skin and bones.

有时比其他成像过程更具决定性, 比如超声波或CT扫描, 核磁共振成像提供了关于人体解剖结构形成的各种信息, often allowing physicians to identify anomalies and irregularities that cannot be assessed with other machinery.

The MRI test requires the human body to be placed inside a wide tube or tunnel for the procedure. The system saves digital images and scans on the American Hospital database for closer inspection. 扫描结果也可以在需要时打印出来.


Computed/Computerized Tomography (commonly known as a CT scan) or Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan) is an imaging procedure that requires special X-ray equipment and tools to provide scans and photographs of the internal body structure.

CT Scans are commonly required for cancer patients in order to identify their individual type of cancer and assess its damage so that doctors can develop a solid treatment plan. CT is also required to diagnose blood diseases and circulatory conditions like atherosclerosis, 还有血管动脉瘤, 血凝块, 脊柱疾病, 肾脏和膀胱结石感染, 脓肿, 炎性疾病, 头部和内脏都受了伤, 以及骨折和骨折.

CT是可行的, 对年轻og体育平台和成人都是安全的选择, however the procedure requires the individual to lie still on a table as it navigates its way at the center of a large X-ray loop.

“单光子发射计算机断层扫描”的简称, a SPECT scan is a form of medical imaging that enables physicians and doctors to assess and analyse the functionality of various internal organs. 作为核成像测试光谱的一部分, it utilizes a radioactive substance and specialized cameras to develop accurate 3D renderings of the organs beneath our skin.

An Advanced SPECT scan is different from regular imaging tests in that it can present physicians with a chance to assess the function of organs as opposed to just their shapes, 例如, 流向病人心脏的血流量或大脑活动水平.

这是一种能够获得人体内部独特信息的技术, 通常不能用其他医学成像工具识别, nuclear medicine is a type of imaging that injects limited bursts of radioactive materials, 被称为放射性示踪剂, 进入病人的血液. 放射性示踪剂也可以吸入或吞咽, 这取决于病人的医疗状况和病史. The radiotracers then roam within the area under examination and feed energy in the form of gamma rays into a special camera and computer, 形成身体内部的图像和扫描.

One of the many benefits of nuclear medicine is that it enables physicians to detect and identify diseases and disorders at their earliest stages. 通过这种方式,它为og体育平台提供了更好的完全康复的机会.

“正电子发射断层扫描/计算机断层扫描”的缩写, a PET / CT is a combination of two different types of scanning methods: positron emission tomography (or PET) and X-ray computed tomography (or CT).

The integration of these two technologies enables physicians to collect different data from each device in a single session, 拍摄连续的图像,最终得出一个, 更完整和无限更准确的结果图像.

超声波, 或者有时被称为超声图, is a type of medical imaging that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to perform closer inspections of the human organs and internal physiology.

常用于检查重要器官,如心脏, 血管, 肾脏和肝脏, 在怀孕的情况下,超声波扫描也经常用于检查胎儿.

它们需要在需要扫描的区域涂上一种特殊的凝胶, after which a hand-manipulated transducer is applied to the same area to assess below-skin activity.


用来检测乳腺癌的早期征兆, 哪一种可以得到最有效的治疗, 乳房x光检查是一种需要低剂量辐射的乳房成像技术.


通常称为x射线扫描, general radiography is a technology used to create internal images that help doctors to diagnose and detect anomalies in the bones and lungs of patients, 在其他器官异常中. 这个工具需要最低水平的辐射.

放射学放射学的一个分支, interventional radiology uses imaging equipment to enable physicians to diagnose internal irregularities and select subsequent treatment options.

血管造影术, 另一方面, 让og体育平台有机会对内部血管进行更仔细的检查. The procedure requires a small catheter to be placed into the blood vessel through which X-ray dye is injected to enable doctors to examine the trajectory and detect any irregularities.

A fluoroscopy is a type of medical imaging system that provides continuous X-ray images on a monitor. It requires an X-ray beam to be passed through the body to offer a detailed internal view.

当放射性药物被静脉或口服时, physicians are able to utilize the radiation emitted from the patient’s body to assess internal problems. 核医学图像由核探测器(SPECT/CT或PET / CT)获得。. 这与x光或CT扫描不同, 其中图像是由通过身体的外部辐射形成的.

SPECT or PET scan fusion imaging with low-dose CT scan is able to display the metabolism and anatomical structure of a tumor or organs simultaneously in a set of images. 这是诊断最有效和最现代的成像技术之一, differentiation and for determining whether and to what degree and direction a tumor has spread within the body.

它不仅有效地应用于肿瘤学, 还有感染部位的诊断, 神经系统疾病, 比如癫痫和阿尔茨海默病, 在某些情况下甚至会导致冠心病.

Nuclear medicine uses specific radiopharmaceuticals to treat both benign and malignant diseases. 包括甲状腺机能亢进, 甲状腺癌, 神经母细胞瘤和神经内分泌肿瘤, 在别人. 核医学成像在放射治疗的规划中也有价值.

The accurate assessment of a patient’s response to treatment can be performed through nuclear medicine by imaging the tumor site and the whole body.

