
Rezum water vapour therapy is a more natural, minimally invasive alternative to surgery, which treats the cause of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), and leads your life to the fullest.


Rezum, also known as convective radiofrequency water vapor thermal therapy, 是一种非手术治疗,利用蒸汽中储存的自然能量去除对尿道施加压力并导致良性前列腺增生(BPH)和其他泌尿系统问题的多余前列腺组织. As men age, the prostate cells multiply in number, putting a pressure on the urethra. 前列腺肿大迫使尿道变窄,引起各种排尿问题. To address BPH and other sensitive issues, Rezum治疗使用水蒸气或蒸汽使前列腺变小并“重新打开”尿道.

Unlike other treatment options for BPH, REZUM does usually not affect the sexual life and the ability to have an ejaculation. 这些是og体育平台寻求治疗的主要标准,以尽量减少对其生活质量的潜在影响.

How’s Rezum Procedure Performed?

Rezum系统包括一个通过尿道到达前列腺的手持装置. 该装置输送几滴水,将其转化为蒸汽或热能,帮助破坏攻击性细胞. As a result, the prostate shrinks, urethra opens and urine flows freely. 在一段时间内, the treated area heals naturally and the patients can resume their daily activities. 大多数og体育平台在手术后的一到三个月内,他们的前列腺增生症状显著改善.

At 迪拜美国医院’s 泌尿外科 Department, 我们的泌尿外科og体育平台使用Rezum治疗BPHog体育平台,并在症状改善方面取得了非常好的效果.

What Symptoms Does Rezum Treat?

Rezum system can help if you seek relief from the following symptoms:

• Waking up at all hours to urinate
• Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
• Strain while pushing urine out

Not all patients with BPH can be good candidates for the Rezum treatment. BPH along with the presence of other health conditions e.g. 肾脏疾病, 需要泌尿科og体育平台的专门干预,他们可以评估症状,以确定og体育平台是否适合Rezum治疗.

REZUM的主要目的不是切除前列腺的很大一部分——这是其他治疗保留的. REZUM专门针对前列腺肿大引起的问题-尿道狭窄和由此产生的排尿困难以及特定的主观症状.

The objective is to fix the difficulties to urinate – this represents the problem. It is not the goal to minimize the size of the prostate – anyway, 大小只是一个数字,并不重要,但它是膀胱的功能,需要通过任何一种前列腺增生症治疗来维持和保存. This is very important to understand – under this aspect, REZUM是一种保存或恢复排尿能力的聪明方法,可以避免药物治疗,只需一点点努力,副作用最小.


最好的方法是和og体育平台讨论你的症状,og体育平台会决定Rezum水蒸汽疗法是否适合你. 我们需要进行一些调查,以了解您目前情况的所有细节,并确定您是否有资格获得REZUM.


REZUM是为那些不想接受医学前列腺治疗的多重潜在副作用的男性而设计的,这些副作用会显著影响生活质量. 因此, REZUM could be a good alternative for the younger, 有前列腺问题但不愿意接受最终射精或性生活恶化的活跃男性. 另一些人可能不喜欢最终通过“终身”药物来维持排尿能力的概念,而是寻求微创方案来解决这个问题, 至少在一段时间内是这样. 再一次。, 由于其合并症和风险状况,其他og体育平台甚至可能不符合常规BPH手术的条件.

REZUM可以在镇静(最小麻醉形式)下进行,甚至只在局部麻醉下进行, it might be the only option for high-risk patients to regain their ability to void. 手术过程只需要10 - 15分钟,作为日间病例在手术室进行.

REZUM treatment does not exclude any other treatment options in future.

If you’re on the lookout for a doctor who specializes in Rezum Water Vapor Therapy, schedule an appointment with our Urologists at 迪拜美国医院.


手术后,病人必须按照og体育平台的处方继续服用口服抗生素. In case the patient has been on any prostate medication before, it will have to be continued for another while.
非常重要的是要记住- REZUM的效果不会立即发生,而只是随着时间的推移,因为阻塞组织将不得不收缩. 因此, 手术后马上排尿可能会更困难——缓解要晚一点. In any way, we will follow up regularly to monitor the progress after REZUM.

• The patient can have a catheter for a few days to ease urination during healing.
• Avoid activities that can cause any physical stress in the prostate.
• Follow a healthy diet plan to improve healing and regain strength.

Why Choose American Hospital 泌尿外科 center for 治疗 of Enlarged Prostate Problems?

在美国医院, 所有泌尿系统疾病的治疗都由在治疗男性尿失禁症状方面经验丰富的委员会认证的泌尿科og体育平台进行, 尿频, 良性前列腺发育不良, 膀胱疼痛. 截至目前, 我们已经成功地用包括Rezum在内的微创手术治疗了数千名og体育平台, 激光, 开放手术, 以及医学疗法.

我们是迪拜为数不多的为男性前列腺肥大引起的泌尿系统问题提供全方位诊断测试服务和治疗选择的诊所之一. 同时,我们理解我们的大多数病人希望保密和理解护理. 因此,我们采取一切措施确保og体育平台的隐私和保密.

It is very important to be able to offer the full armamentarium of BPH treatment. There are many ways to achieve the goal of having a normal urination - nowadays, BPH治疗是“定制的”, 基本上是由og体育平台的需求和偏好驱动的,而不仅仅是og体育平台的建议. 我们可以提供所有的选择,以满足每个病人的个性化需求.


If you have any questions regarding Rezum治疗 or urine disorders, 请在线预约迪拜美国医院的顶级泌尿科og体育平台.

og体育平台 Panel of Rezum治疗
